About Solar

How it works

Solar panels mounted on a factory roof capture the sun’s energy using photovoltaic (PV) cells. The cells don't need direct sunlight to work – they can still generate some electricity on a cloudy day. The cells convert the sunlight into electricity, which can be used to run machinery and lighting.
A PV hybrid system combines PV, the grid and other electricity generators (like diesel and gas gensets).
The electricity generated from the solar PV is used first and supplemented by the grid and gensets when additional power is required. This innovative design ensures that 100% of the electricity generated by the solar PV is used.

Why solar

  • Sunshine (irradiance) levels in Bangladesh give good levels of performance of solar pv and are a cost effective source of power
  • Proven benign technology – reliability and low maintenance costs with 25 year lifetime
  • Lower diesel, grid electric or gas consumption - reduction in cost and carbon footprint
  • Choice of finance options – financial flexibility and competitive ROI, control of one of the critical cost variables, power, which gives a long term differentiation for adopting business
  • Source of power diversification - security against rising energy costs and dependence on grid
  • Clean and environmentally friendly source of power – reduction of carbon footprint, improved working environment for employees, satisfies supply chain demand
  • Corporate social responsibility, differentiation and competitive advantage, green qualifications, industry leadership
  • 1kW of electricity can be produced from every 100 square feet of rooftop space

Why now

Great awareness and acceptance by customers, of ethical, sustainable and renewable energy usage.
A proven model of rooftop solar systems worldwide.
Financing solar has never been easier.

Net Metering soon to be introduced which enables any excess power generation to be sold back to the grid.

Several initiatives promoting industries to abandon fossil fuel consumption. Among them are:

LEED – International Accreditation system -all industries.

PACT – International Programme for textile industries.

TREES – Bangladesh programme for textile industries.

Solar facts

Solar panels work with rain or cloud cover.

A company can save more than 25% in energy and fuel bills from day 1 when using solar hybrid systems.

The government has set a target to generate 10% of the total electricity supply from renewable sources by 2020 Solar panels require very little maintenance and last 25+ years.

The amount of solar energy that reaches the surface of the earth surpasses all other sources of energy.

Powering economic growth
in Bangladesh

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