If you have a factory or business which is suffering from grid outages or mostly dependent on gas or diesel generators, it is time to diversify your energy sources. Your business can benefit by saving more than 25% on energy costs.
Suntrac supports you by helping you make informed decisions regarding rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems and can supply the complete installation.
Suntrac provides a total solution to its clients, from set-up to operation and maintenance. Whether it’s on a rooftop or in an open landscape, stand-alone hybrid or grid connected, Suntrac will provide you with a quality solar system you can trust:
Equipment selection
Design and Installation
Solar system web monitoring and maintenance
Solar lease & funding
Carbon credits
All you need is a rooftop or some unused land and we will do the rest.

Build – Operate – Transfer (BOT)

Under the Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) model, Suntrac will provide and install a bespoke solar system based on your needs including a warranty in our supply package. The system shall remain the property of the client (or a third-party borrower) and the client shall dispose of the electricity produced.
The client might take over the operation of the plant after the warranty period or alternatively appoint Suntrac to continue operate and maintain the property.
The aim is to cross the interface between construction and routine operation gradually and expertly and to give time to the client to become fully familiar with all aspects of the plant's functioning.
Capacity 1 MW
LCOE 0.024 $/kWh
Savings 1st year* 142,000 $/year
Return of Investment** 4.5 years
Gross Savings in 25 years** 3.35 million $
CO2emission savings*** 18,784 Tons
CO2 savings equivalent*** 150 cars of the road for 25 years
Assumptions *1,530kWh/kW annual yield,
**25 years lifetime, 2% inflation, 0.7% panel degradation,
***584gCO2/kWh Grid lifecycle emissions in Bangladesh

Build – Own – Operate - Transfer (BOOT)

Under Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) model, the plant remains the property of Suntrac and is operated by us for an agreed period of time. The electricity produced is sold on pre-arranged terms to the client (behind the meter option) or to the local utility (net metering). Throughout the period of ownership, Suntrac will be reimbursed through the revenue from electricity sales while the client will enjoy carbon free, reduced electricity tariffs.
If the client wishes to obtain the ownership before the lapse of the supply contract, the client may have to pay a balancing charge on transfer.
Capacity 1 MW
Savings 1st year* 39,900 $/year
Gross Savings in 25 years** 1.17 million $
CO2 emission savings*** 18,784 tons
CO2 savings equivalent*** 150 cars of the road for 25 years
Assumptions *1,530kWh/kW annual yield,
**25 years lifetime, 2% inflation, 0.7% panel degradation,
***584gCO2/kWh Grid lifecycle emissions in Bangladesh

Operation and maintenance services

With our unrivalled rooftop solar PV global expertise, Suntrac can give peace of mind to any solar system owner regardless of who installed the system. From our experience of solar we recommend, as a minimum, an annual inspection visit so your solar PV operates at its optimum performance each year, protecting both your return on investment and contributing to your electrical compliance regime.

Powering economic growth
in Bangladesh

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Copyright 2019 Suntrac. Developed by B-Trac Solutions Limited